About the Society
The Society of Homeopaths is the UK’s largest group of registered professional homeopaths. We came together to promote the highest professional standards. Membership of the Society (shown by the letters RSHom) is your guarantee of a well-trained, registered and insured professional homeopath.
For our members we provide a wide range of services, including practice support, a professional journal, and legal helplines. We also work hard to raise public awareness of, and appreciation for homeopathy.
As well as maintaining our register of homeopaths, we promote high standards of training through a scheme for accrediting good quality training courses.
Our members
Each of our members has a story to tell – a story about illness, and a journey to health – a life-changing inspiration that led them to train as homeopathic practitioners.
For most, it was either their own ill health or that of a family member that led them to try homeopathic medicine, and eventually to train as a homeopath, often giving up other careers to do so.
Our members come from all walks of life, with a wide variety of professional backgrounds and experience, from nurses, solicitors, pharmacists and journalists to accountants and actors. What they share is a passion for homeopathy and a commitment to their patients’ health and wellbeing.
Before joining our register as qualified homeopaths, our members complete rigorous training (normally three years full time or four years part time) with one of our accredited course providers. On registering, they sign up to a stringent Code of Ethics and Practice, agree to practise in accordance with strict occupational standards and criteria and undertake an ongoing programme of continuing professional development.
How we work
We are a membership organisation governed by a board of directors, which consists of homeopaths elected by members, together with lay members, appointed for their expertise in specific areas .
We have a fully staffed office, which provides management and administrative support for Society activities, and is the first port of call for enquiries from both members, and the public. We also have a team of consultants who offer specialist skills.
The Society was founded in 1978 by a small group of homeopaths who were keen to work together for the development of the profession and to ensure high standards in the practice of homeopathy. Today, the Society has 1,000 registered members across the UK.
Engagement with other organisations
We work with other interested organisations to help promote homeopathy and with official organisations to ensure that information about homeopathy is accurate and fairly represented.
Our representatives participate in the work of the Integrated Healthcare Collaborative and we are in liaison with national and regional organisations concerned with all aspects of health, such as The Department of Health, private medical insurance companies and The Medicines and Healthcare products Regulatory Agency (MHRA). We are also involved in 4Homeopathy, a collaboration of 11 homeopathic organisations and charities, who work together to promote the benefits of homeopathy.
The Society of Homeopaths Ltd is a Company Limited by Guarantee (Registered No. 01392004). It is also a not-for-profit organisation, which means that rather than having any shareholders expecting dividends, we reinvest any surplus straight back into the company to support our members and the profession.